5 Ways to Save Money this Christmas and Still Have Fun #savemoney #christmas
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5 Ways to Save Money this Christmas – and Still have Fun!

Tight budget? No worries. Here’s some ways to save money this Holiday season, and still have a ton of fun!

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The Holidays are upon us! If you’re on a tight budget, gift-giving and elaborate family dinners could be touchy subjects.

However, with some advance preparation, you and your family can still have an awesome Christmas, budget and all.

Here’s some simple tips to accomplish that.

1. Start Budgeting Early and Shop When There’s Clearance Sales

5 Ways to save money this Christmas and still have fun

Black Friday is a wonderful day to save money on gifts.

For a guide to how to effectively shop on Black Friday, check out this article.

The key is to not allow yourself to get hyped up.

Have a list of the people you’re shopping for and stick to it.

You won’t be saving money if you buy a bunch of stuff you don’t need just because it’s on sale.

To learn how to make your budget a success, subscribe to receive my Free Quick Start Guide to Successful Budgeting.

2. Shop at Discount Stores

I generally dislike buying brand-name items for the sake of the brand.

However, if that’s important to you or those you’re buying presents for, be sure to check out discount stores like Ross or Marshall’s first.

Chances are, you’ll get the same brand-name shirt you would have found at the mall but at half the price.

If the leg work doesn’t sound appealing to you, search for thousands of discounted items on Wish, available for iPhone or Android.

You can also start a savings fund for your gift shopping by trying an easy side hustle. For some side gig ideas, check out this article.

One of the funnest ways to keep track of your savings fund is to use a Savings Thermometer.

I use one every year and I find it really exciting to update it every time I contribute to my savings fund!

You can get your here:

A savings thermometer is a fun way to grow your savings fund!

3. Don’t Participate in Gift Exchange Events or Programs

If your goal is to save money, you may want to stay away from “White Elephant”-type events.

However, if you have a large extended family or lots of co-workers, a gift exchange in lieu of each person buying gifts for everybody may be a great way for everyone to have a great time, get one present, and not be broke by the end of December.

One Holiday season when most of family was in town, we did a white elephant gift exchange.

It was so much fun, that everyone talks about it to this day.

It was certainly one of the most memorable Christmas we’ve ever had.

4. Try Generic Gifts

If you feel compelled to bring presents to the office, or give gifts to your extended family, stick to the same generic gift for everyone instead of giving individual gifts.

A gift exchange is a good way to save money instead of buying individual gifts for a lot of people

You can try homemade cookies wrapped in nice cellophane or mugs from the Dollar Store that you’ve filled with each person’s favorite candy.

I’ve also bought some nice looking vases and filled them with potpourri or other decorative items. They’ve come out really pretty and have been really inexpensive to make!

If you want to give this a try, check out this post for some additional ideas.

5. Make Memories

Lastly, instead of buying gifts for everyone on your list, go out with the family and spend some time together around town. For some ideas, check out local activities on TripAdvisor or Viator.

Things to do in the Caribbean

When the kids grow up they’ll remember the experience more than any material item you can give them and chances are, you will have started a new family tradition.

Heading into the Holidays when you’re low on funds could seem daunting and scary.

However, with some preparation it doesn’t have to be!

Shop early and on sale, stay away from gift exchange programs – unless it’s cheaper than buying individual gifts, and remember that the Holidays are first about spending time with loved ones than about spending money on gifts.

How do you save money during the Holiday Season? Let us know in the comments below!

5 fabulous ways to save money this Christmas and still have fun
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