3 books that will transform your finances #finance #personalfinance
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3 Books That Will Transform Your Finances

If you have a love hate relationship with money, you’re not alone! These three books will change the way you see money once and for all!

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I enjoy reading, and I often read solely for the pleasure of it, but when I get my hands on a book that teaches me something practical along the way, I love reading that much more.

Recently I’ve been on a quest to learn more about money, and how to keep a healthy balance between wanting more money, and my life’s priorities.

Throughout this mission, I’ve learned many valuable lessons. Ultimately, I’ve learned to see money not as a competing factor. Rather, a tool to help me achieve all the other priorities I have in life.

I did happen to write a book myself detailing the journey I’ve taken from being completely broke to managing money effectively. If you’d like to learn more about it, check out my Free Guide to Money Management here!

While I could bore you listing the dozens of books I’ve read lately, I opted for summarizing that long list into the three books that truly transformed the way I look at money in general.

From spending, to saving and investing, the truths and lessons found in the following books, if applied, could change the course of one’s financial future.

Money: Master the Game. 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins

3 Books that will transform your finances

Tony Robbins barely needs an introduction. Starting off from humble beginnings, Tony has now built an empire out of motivation, leadership, and business strategy.

In his book, Money: Master the Game, Tony unpacks 7 simple, but profound steps to achieve financial security and freedom.

Tackling a variety of subjects, from the power of planning and the psychology of wealth, to simple tweaks you can make to your investment strategy today, this book is bursting with financial wisdom.

Not only does Tony share his timeless teachings in this work, but he’s also brought along some of his friends for the ride.

With the likes of Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio, and Carl Icahn (among others) also sharing their knowledge, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in achieving financial freedom.

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The Lifechanging Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo

3 Books that will improve your finances

Are you wondering what a book about tidying up is doing here?

I first stumbled upon this book over a year ago when it came up as a suggested title on my audiobook feed.

To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to this book at first. After all, I wasn’t that interested in learning about how to clean up better, if there was such a thing.

However, after a while I decided to give it a chance. I’m happy to report that I wasn’t disappointed.

In this book, Marie Kondo explains the KonMari method of cleaning up and organizing any space.

She has developed this method over the years. With it, she has helped even the most avid hoarders – er, collectors organize their homes.

3 books that will transform your finances

This work however, is about much more than just organizing.

As the author herself would tell you, an organized space can reduce anxiety, improve clarity, and increase happiness.

As you follow along, the KonMari method will reveal reflective truths about our possessions and our relationship with them.

The main premise of the KonMari method is to only keep those items that truly bring you joy.

It seems simple enough!

As you ask yourself if your current possessions bring you joy, you’ll realize that you could do without most things in your home!

If you’ve ever been interested in minimalism, or just decluttering your home – and mind – this work is for you. Personally, by applying the principles in this book, I’ve been able to cut back my spending significantly.

I have learned to keep my home clutter-free. I’ve also learned to value that much more the items I do end up purchasing!

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

3 Books that can alter the course of your finances

With over 100 million copies sold worldwide, Think and Grow Rich is a widely-known personal finance book. Even so, I didn’t read it until earlier this year.

Think and Grow Rich is jam-packed with knowledge that could not only be applied to money, but life in general.

Want to lose weight but lack the motivation? Have any goals that just seem far away? This book will teach you how to spark that desire and belief in yourself that will ensure you achieve your goals.

Although the book was first written in the 1930’s, it covers timeless principles. Planning, persistence and the power of autosuggestion among them.

If you apply the book’s philosophy to your everyday life, this work can be truly transformational!

There you have it, the three books that have made the most impact on my finances in the past year.

I hope that when you read them, you truly put their teachings in practice. They have truly made a difference for me, as I know then can make a difference for you also!

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3 Books that will transform your finances
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