5 Amazing Money Management Tools to Rule Your Money This Year
Want to be the boss of your money this year? You’re gonna need some money management tools on your journey. Here’s 5 must-have tools to try today!
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Today I wanted to share a secret with you.
See, I come across lots of people that tell me things like “if only I was more organized like so and so”, or “if only I was better at managing my money”, then, fill in the blank.

It’s easy to look at other people and think that they have it all together and we don’t. Whether it’s in our finances, our homes, or our jobs.
The truth though, is that nobody has it all together. Those people that seem to, just have better tools and better systems.
So here’s the hack of the day:
Want to be better at something? Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Find a proven system for it, and follow it.
It’s THAT simple!
So since we’re starting a new year today – heck, a new DECADE! – I wanted to share with you a few money management tools that I’ve found useful to set financial goals and stick to them.
SMART Money Goal Planner
This planner is super simple to use, and it focuses on one thing: Helping you set SMART goals.
What are SMART goals? Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time specific. In other words, goals that have a higher chance at being met!
If you want to learn more about SMART goals, check out this post, but in the meantime, grab your planner now!
Goal Setting Planner
This planner is 13 pages of pure goodness.
It comes with 13 super helpful pages including daily and monthly goal planning, inspirational quotes and much more!
Money Saving Challenge
Are you determined to save money this year? There’s nothing like a Money Saving Challenge to keep you motivated!
Because no one size fits all, I really like the Money Saving Challenge Pack.
Jam-packed with 6 different challenges, including a blank one, this pack is meant to fit any budget.
Cash Envelope System
If your goal for this year is to get out of debt, I highly recommend giving the cash envelope system a try.
I even wrote a whole post about how it helped me spend less and get out of debt. You can check it out here!
I particularly like these Cash Envelopes for their vibrant colors. They come hole punched already and are pretty easy to handle.
Debt Thermometer Tracker
Want to commit to paying down your debt?
Using a visual tool works great to keep the momentum going.
I had mine up on the fridge, and every week I filled in my tracker. I found using this money management tool very rewarding, so I highly recommend using a visual tool to stay on track.
And a debt thermometer? How neat is that!
There you have it guys!
These simple money management tools and systems will help you rock your financial goals in 2020.
Want to learn more about my journey to becoming friends with my once-worst enemy, money? Check out my budgeting guide for free!
If you’re as excited as I am for what this new decade will bring (and why wouldn’t you – it’s gonna be awesome!) – give me a “Whoot Whoot” in the comments section!
Also, don’t forget to share!